Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 3 redo

For my webtext, I had difficulty finding an opposing argument against raising taxes. I found plenty of things against it, but most of them had suspect support at best and seemed like the writer was just trying to find a seemingly sound argument, but was just really saying, "This is my money, you can't have it." Some were not even trying to hide it, and were just angry rants on how taxes are socialism or un-American. For the other side, which is for raising taxes to fund schools, I found plenty of support. For the part about cutting benefits, I found support for both sides.

For my anchor texts, I used wikipedia's entry on the whole Wisconsin situation because it has a lot of information and cited links to many sources. I used a transcript of the incident wherre the Wisconsin governor was recorded because a written transcript in a nnewspaper seemed more professional than just a youtube link. I included the part about teachers' salaries because somehow I couldn't fit it in anywhere in the written piece. And I included the Daily Show clip because I thought it was a good piece of satire on the arguments that teachers are living large on benefits, which is a poorly-supported, empty argument that I avoided including in my piece.

For my color scheme in the design, I wanted to do something looking similar to a chalkboard because it had to do with school. Black would be too stark, so I chose a darker green. I made the title page white like chalk, though I used a pretty standard font because the somewhat messy font that would look like writing on a chalkboard seemed a little too informal, and didnt even show up on the final page, anyway. I used yellow to indicate subtitles because people can see where the piece transitions to a new thought, and I used plain black text because it still showed up well on the green.

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